The agency



An architecture and interior design firm, specialized in the composition of contemporary spaces.

Motivated by an attention to detail, the quality of the materials and the search for relevant spatial solutions, the firm has a contemporary aesthetic but with an emphasis on architectural tradition and craftmanship.

This guarantees the firm’s signature in projects of different scales, from luxury hotels to hi-end residentials, from retail to public space interiors. We work to give our clients places rich in elegance and modernity.

Our team:
Mirela Gherteschu (France)
Thanh-Thao Lê (France)
Pablo Negrin de Icaza(Mexico)
Antonio Marino (Italia)
Farah Bouchen D’Homme (France)
Yasmine Belghanmen (Algérie)

The associates


Fabrizio Fiorentino – Architecte DPLG

Fabrizio Fiorentino graduated as an architect from the University of Rome «La Sapienza» in 2003.

Enriched by an international training and with a meticulous care for detailing and materials, he subsequently collaborated with illumini such as Ateliers  Jean Nouvel, Shigeru Ban, Beckmann & N’Thépé, Wilmotte & Associés.

His passion for the organization of spaces and the search for the best details allows him to intervene on the different scales of a project, from the study of the premises for the enhancement of the light to the design of the furniture that best meets the requirements of his clients.

His style finds its roots in the Italian architectural culture, capable of providing relevant spatial solutions, creating architectural gestures weaving a link between ancestral and contemporary know-how.